Blue Earth Environmental recently assisted a client undertake targeted surveys for small headed grunter (Scortum parviceps) and soft spine catfish (Neosilurus mollespiculum) within the Burdekin River near Charters Towers. Targeted surveys were required as part of an aquatic ecology assessment for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). While neither of these species are currently listed under state or commonwealth legislation they are both considered to be regionally significant as they occur only within the Burdekin catchment.
Boat based electrofishing was successfully used to detect both small headed grunter and soft spine catfish in deeper pool habitat at a number of sites. Additionally, large fyke nets deployed overnight within run / riffle sequences were effective in capturing a high number of soft spine catfish.
Does your project require surveys for freshwater fish? Please feel free to get in touch to discuss your specific requirements and we can provide you an obligation free quote.